Thursday, April 3, 2008

Bringing the 2nd 3rd-Dimension to papertoys

There are so many great papertoys out there, you probably could take a week off and won't be able to build them all. One really cool thing is when the models use different "layers" of perspective to give an even better 3D-feeling. If you're still unsure what I'm referring to have a look at the Macula Squealer series or this work in progress from Matt Hawkins. The use of different layers for eg. the hair, the mouth or other parts of the body while done with paper and not texture really appeals to me. I definately need to use that technique more in upcoming papertoys.
And if things go wrong i can still use duct tape to fix everything. ;)


Macula said...

Hi Brainjar,
I added you as a link in my papercraft section. Thank you very much for mentioning me. I now have a direct link into the papercraft section.

Christopher Bonnette

brainjar said...

Aye, i saw that.. thanks for the link! I really like the Squealer series. cheers.